
Tomoko Takeuchi Recital, Ginza Oji Hall.

Tomoko Takeuchi's recital at Ginza Oji Hall. I expressed early autumn with dodan azalea and a tsuru-memokudoki using a glass ball (white and red) designed by Mr. Takenaka. Photo gallery

Salon Guru, Paris (©IKEBANA projects collaboration)

On the 14th of September 2021, I gave a demonstration on a vase owned by Gallery MINGEI at GURU  (6 avenue Hoche - 75008 Paris) where there was an auction of works of art from different countries.Photo gallery

The Ikeru Project (collaboration ©IKEBANA projects)

The Ikeru Project (collaboration ©IKEBANA projects)

'The Ikeru Project' (from the Japanese 生ける “to arrange” flowers) - a short film highlighting ikebana artists at work produced in collaboration with a vibrant and diverse Japanese creative community in March 2021, at the peak of the sakura season in Tokyo. Film...

Collaboration ©MSB.Artwork

I exhibited my work at my friend and artist Mani Bhutar’s exhibition at FIESTA in Harajuku. The title of the exhibition is Endulation (swell) part I.Photo gallery

Tomoko Takeuchi Recital in France

I arranged flowers for Tomoko Takeuchi’s recital in France. The plants were procured from the garden of Mr. Guimet, a descendant of the Guimet Museum!Photo gallery

Makiko Morange

Makiko Morange

Ikebana Artist

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