Makiko Morange

Ikebana Artist

Makiko Morange

Ikebana Artist

Makiko Morange

Ikebana Artist

Makiko Morange

Ikebana Artist


Autumn Melody

Workshop in Saigon

Special ikebana demonstration event.
Friday, 22 November at 11:00am with lunch to follow.

Venue: Kashew Cheese Garden Villa, 11/2, St. 57, Thao
Dien Villas Compound, District 2

A series of workshops over a two-day period take place on the 22nd (Saturday) and 23rd (Sunday). These events are open to anyone regardless of ikebana experience.

Client Work

I arrange flowers according to the location and theme of the request. While keeping the sense of the seasons in mind.


Overview of the exhibitions I have participated in or organised.


Collaboration with artists from various parts of the world. We hope to inspire each other’s works in response to each other’s world view.

Makiko Morange

Makiko Morange

Ikebana Artist

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